Grace Church is a Eucharist-centered congregation with one service on Sunday at 10:15 a.m. The service is primarily contemporary language (Rite II) with music and choir. As part of our commitment to young families, we have a bright and beautiful nursery in the atrium just off the church.
Customarily our Christmas Eve and Easter services will include orchestral ensembles and/or incense.
The laity at Grace are actively involved in our worship services as choir members, lay readers, altar guild, acolytes, chalice bearers, ushers, musicians, bell ringers, and lay Eucharistic ministers. To appeal to more people, our rector, deacon, and organist worked purposely to offer opportunities to experience worship in different ways. During a renovation in 2017, we worshiped in the parish hall and sang with a piano. As weather permits we have services on our labyrinth. Other worship opportunities include a Celtic Eucharist, choral evensong, and a very popular service of Lessons and Carols during Advent.
Our deacon reads Compline each weekday evening, and this prayer service is available via our Facebook page. A Thursday night Adult Forum also meets. Topics of study are from books read, DVD series, and documentaries. The Forum is very popular and the group includes participants from other churches.
The labyrinth, modeled after the Chartres Cathedral Labyrinth near Paris, France, is always available for walking and meditation and is open to the community. The labyrinth area, Grace Commons, is an inviting and peaceful place for our entire city. It is an open space available
for anyone to sit, walk, pray, or meditate. We have occasional worship services there, including the Blessing of the Animals. It is a unique offering to all in the Hopkinsville community.