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Position: Organist/Choir Director

Grace Episcopal Church – Hopkinsville, KY

$22,000-$25,000 based on experience


Grace Episcopal Church is seeking a classically trained part-time organist/choirmaster. The

successful applicant will enjoy a salaried position with flexible hours, averaging 10-15 hours

per week in which the heavier weeks are typically Lent and Christmas.

Grace Church is an Episcopal church that welcomes everyone. It offers a place for

community, spiritual practice, education, and social justice awareness. Among the social

justice issues we work on are; racial healing, gender, and LGBT equality. We also promote

informed civic conversation.

Each Sunday we gather for a Eucharist-centered liturgy that is enveloped by worship,

music, and prayer. Traditional Anglican music is the staple of this congregation, yet we

welcome the addition of other forms of hymnody.

The organist/choirmaster works under the Rector (head pastor) to help shape the musical

tone for each week and liturgical season. The organist/choirmaster will lead a largely

volunteer choir, conduct rehearsals, and provide music for other liturgies and events

throughout the year. The successful person should have good, open communication skills.

The primary instrument is a well maintained Estey Organ, Opus 370, 1906 that had

enhancements and a major refurbishment in 2009. This is a two manual instrument with 24

Stops, 13 ranks, 848 pipes, and pedalboard. (Click here for more details)

Our successful candidate should possess the dexterity to improvise (extend or shorten

musical pieces during the service) and add interludes as necessary. They should have the

ability to set the tone and mood by selecting appropriate stops and adjusting tempo. The

ability to “word paint” with the organ (to highlight the text of hymns) should also be an

integral skill. The organist/choirmaster is welcome to accept honoraria for funerals and

weddings. They will also have the first right of refusal for all such services. Additionally, all

employees of Grace Church must pass background checks and participate in required




• Develop and maintain a standard of excellence within the Music Ministry.

• Accompany the students of Grace Preschool in their seasonal events.• Maintain the organ and pianos by scheduling regular tunings, and repairs as needed.

• Manage copyright and permissions for live streaming and service bulletins using


• Manage and maintain the Music Library

• Present an annual budget to the Vestry (board of directors) and an annual report to

the congregation.

• Procure extra musicians for special events and programs as needed.

• Take time for yearly continuing education.



• Will have the ability to prepare major choral works for Christmas Eve, Easter, and

other services.

• Will have a strong comprehension and experience leading Plainsong and Anglican


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2023 Grace Episcopal Church

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